About PTC (Paid To Click)

What’s this “Paid to Click” programs?

As what the phrase says these are programs where advertisers pay you after clicking or viewing their advertisements for about 10 - 30 seconds. Every successful clicking or viewing = $0.005 up to $0.02 credit to your account. Good PTC sites are probably the best way to make money on the internet and best of all they are legal and FREE to join. Paid to click is an easy way to make money online if you keep your advertising budget low. ere’s how it works in a nutshell: Advertisers need low cost advertising and they are willing to pay for the visitors.

What is a PTC site?

PTC site programs are NOT a Autosurf, Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid, Ponzi, Matrix or “Get Rich Quick” scheme.

PTC sites are new innovative, international and FREE English based services that allow advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ad on their “Surf Ads” page. An exact calculated percentage of all advertising revenue is paid to their members (that’s us!). PTC sites make money via advertising, other advertising sources throughout the website as well as earning through direct sponsorship of other members, just like a regular member does.

Is it free to join?

Absolutely yes! You don’t need to spend a single dime upon signing up or even if you are already earning. So there’s no reason not to join. No risk at all!

How do I earn?

You earn by just clicking and displaying the Ads for 10 - 30 seconds that can be found on your login page after signing up. 4 up to 8+ advertisements are available to click on each PTC site everyday. You will earn much more money if you refer the program to your other friends. You will also earn on every click they make so invite as many friends as you can after joining. You can earn $0.005 up to $0.01 per referral click.

Below is an example of your potential earnings based on averages:

• You click 10 ads per day = $0.10

• 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $1.00

• Your daily earnings = $1.10

• Your weekly earnings = $7.70

• Your monthly earnings = $33.00

*) Reminder: Click & display the ads one at a time or one after the other in order for your earnings to be credited to you.

How do I get my earnings?

If you have already reached the minimum payout, you can now cash it out via PayPal or Alertpay. These are account-managing systems in the internet and are currently know
n to be the safest. After cashing out, login to your PayPal or Alertpay account and click the ‘withdraw’ feature so that your money will be transferred to your Bank or Debit Card. After that, you can now withdraw your money through accredited ATM machines.


How to create a blog on Blogger.com

How to create a blog on Blogger.comWhy create a blog on Blogger.com, because it’s free, easy, and only takes a minute. You can share your thoughts, photos, and more with your friends and the world. Easy to post text, photos, and videos from the web or your mobile phone. Unlimited flexibility to personalize your blog with themes, gadgets, and more.

If you want to create a blog on Blogger.com, here's how to make it:

• Before you create a blog on Blogger.com, you must have a Google account or Gmail account first, so that you can create a blog on Blogger.com, because Blogger.com connected with a Google account. Make a Gmail account first, how can you be seen in the article about Creating an account on Gmail.

• If you have a Gmail account, please go to Blogger.com or Click the image below to create a blog.

Create a Blog

• Next you will go to the Homepage Blogger.com. Click CREATE A BLOG to create a blog for free.

Homepage Blogger.com

• Then will go to the page Create a Google Account. Fill in these columns.

Create a Google AccountCreate a Google Account

Email address
Enter your email address (Gmail). You'll use this address to log in to Blogger and other Google services.

Retype email address
Type in your email address again to make sure there are no typos.

Enter a password
Enter your password, the same as your gmail password. Must be at least 8 characters long.

Retype password
Type in your password again to make sure there are no typos.

Display name
The name used to sign your blog posts.

Word Verification
Type the characters you see in the picture to the left.

Acceptance of Terms
Check mark, indicate that you have read and understand Blogger's Terms of Service.

If you've filled in all fields, then click CONTINUE.

• Then will go to the page Name your blog. Please fill in the name of your blog you want.

Create name and URL to your Blog

Blog title
Your blog's title will appear on your published blog, on your dashboard and in your profile.

Blog address (URL)
The URL you select will be used by visitors to access your blog. After fill in the URL you want, then click Check Availability to check if the URL you want to use is available.

After filling in all fields, then click CONTINUE.

• After selecting the name of the blog and also a blog url, then will go to the page Choose a template.

Choose a template
Select the template in any way you want. You can change it later.
When you are done selecting, then click CONTINUE.

• When you are done creating an account, select the name of your blog, blog URL and also the template, then finished already making blog.

Your blog has been created
Then click START BLOGGING to use the blog that you created.


About The Social Networking

About The Social NetworkingMaybe you've heard of Social Networking, but not quite sure what it means. Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, such as small rural communities or subdivisions environment. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online. Because the Internet is filled with millions of people looking to meet others, to collect and share information and experiences on a number of topics, such as gardening, cooking, and develop friendships and professional alliances.

When we visited a social networking website online that commonly used. This site is known as social networking sites. The function of these social networking sites such as an online community of Internet users. Depending on the respective sites, many of these members share a common interest about hobbies, music, religion, or politics. Once we are given access to social networking sites, we can begin to socialize. This socialization may include reading the other member profile page and even we can contact them.

One more benefit includes diversity because the internet gives individuals from all over the world access to social networking sites. This means that we can develop online friendships with someone in another country even though we are different countries. We're not just going to make new friends, but we can learn a thing or two about a new culture or a new language and learning is always a good thing.

Social networking often involves grouping specific individuals or organizations together. Although there are several social networking sites that focus on particular interests, but some are not. The main focus of the site without often referred to as "traditional" sites of social networking and usually has open membership. This means that anyone can become a member, no matter what their hobbies, beliefs, or views. However, once we are in this online community, we can begin to create their own network of friends and eliminate members that do not have common interests or goals.

As we know, no one was safe on the internet, there are dangers associated with social networks, including data theft and viruses. The most prevalent danger though often involves online Predators or individuals who claim to be someone that they are not.

Once you are well informed and comfortable with your findings, you can start the search from hundreds of community networks to join. This can easily be done by performing a standard internet search. Your search will likely return some results, including MySpace, Friendster, Facebook, FriendFinder, Yahoo! 360, Orkut, Hi5. These sites are the most popular sites right now. By joining, we can meet and establish relationships with a variety of other Internet users from various countries.


10 Security Tips for the Holidays

Cyber-safety shouldn’t take a break when heading home for the holidays. Between free time, new toys, and family travel, year-end festivities pose plenty of opportunity for online compromise. So stay safe this holiday season by avoiding these 10 pitfalls.

Malicious season’s greetings
December often brings an influx of email greetings from distant family and friends, inviting recipients to “click here” to view an e-card, video, or animation. Alas, not all such messages are sincere. While some are harmless hoax-mails, cyber-criminals have been known to disguise viruses and spyware as phony season’s greetings. So don’t let holiday spirit trump common sense; open all file attachments and URLs with care.

Phishing for friends
From Facebook to Twitter, many users will use holiday down time to catch up on social networking. Unfortunately, social networking sites have become a fast-growing vector for phishing -- especially targeted phishing attacks. Was that friend invitation really sent by your old colleague Joe? Think twice before clicking – and never ever give out personal data to new “friends” that you don’t really know.

Wayward laptops
Somewhere between hotel, cab, and airport, thousands of travelers will lose laptops, PDAs, and phones this holiday season. New York’s LaGuardia airport lost-and-found alone has accumulated over 70,000 unclaimed mobile devices. So don’t leave a boarding gate, vehicle, or security checkpoint without taking a mental inventory of your electronics to ensure that all are still in your possession. Better yet, register all laptops and smartphones with services that can locate and recover or kill lost or stolen devices, such as Apple's MobileMe, Microsoft's MyPhone, or Spearstone's DiskAgent.

Hazardous hotspots
Whenever you tap Wi-Fi at a coffee shop, train station, or ski lodge, beware of fake Internet hotspots. Surveys show that viral SSIDs like “FreePublicWifi” are advertised by 5 to 10 percent of Wi-Fi clients used in highly-traveled public places. Most are fellow travelers that naively tried to connect to similarly-named fake hotspots in the past. But a few might be criminals looking to snarf logins and passwords. So avoid enticingly-named Wi-Fi peers or networks that are too good to be true, and always protect hotspot traffic using VPN tunnels or SSL/TLS sessions.

Infested public PCs
Holiday travelers that leave their own laptop at home often use someone else’s computer to check email or print a boarding pass. Whether that computer is a public PC in the hotel lobby or cousin Jane’s PC in her den, you’re swimming in potentially infested waters. Wherever possible, avoid typing in ordinary passwords that are easily captured by hidden keystroke loggers. If you can, protect public PC Internet access by using secure remote desktop or clientless VPN solutions that mitigate common public PC threats, such as such as LogMeIn, GoToMyPC, Juniper Secure Access, SonicWALL Aventail, or F5 FirePass.

Unattended logons
Whether you’re taking a quick break or hitting the road, remember to log out of all authenticated browser and VPN sessions, clear the browser’s cache of saved pages and passwords, and exit all programs. When leaving your own laptop unattended, password-lock the screen – or, better yet, shutdown and lock it away in a hotel room safe. Exercising a little forethought and caution can help you avoid wasting precious holiday time dealing with the consequences of unauthorized laptop use or theft.

Neglected USB drives
Oft-times, the smallest possessions are the easiest to forget or drop. Holiday travelers who remember to safeguard laptops and smartphones can still leave USB thumb drives plugged into public PCs, under guest room beds, wedged into airline seats, or skittering about rental car trunks. The files saved on those lost drives could come back to bite you – unless you’ve protected that removable drive’s content with data encryption. The same goes for data on devices that double as USB storage, such as MP3 players and iPods.

Internet skinny-dipping
Hundreds of thousands of families will unwrap a brand new computer this holiday season. While most new computers are now delivered with trial antivirus software, recipients anxious to use these gifts don’t always take the time to activate virus and spyware protection or download current signatures and OS patches. Using the Internet without desktop security is never a good idea; get that computer up to snuff before the kids start visiting Websites, downloading games, and instant messaging their friends.

Not-so-safe smartphones
Small children aren’t the only users who go online from new unsecured devices. From DROIDs to iPhones, many adults and teens will receive consumer smartphones they’ve been pining for this holiday season. And most will immediately start configuring them with usernames and passwords for Gmail, Yahoo!, iTunes, Twitter, Facebook, and perhaps a corporate Exchange server. Unfortunately, a far smaller number will protect those phones with strong authentication—much less data encryption—creating an easy avenue for personal and business identity theft. Always enable built-in smartphone security measures and fill any gaps by downloading third-party security apps.

Dangerous downloads
Finally, use common sense when downloading games, file sharing tools, streaming clients, and other third-party apps this holiday season. Downloads are a fun way to get more from electronic gifts – especially free apps from marketplaces and app stores. Some sites (e.g., Apple, BlackBerry) scrutinize accepted apps. Some don’t, but deliver explicit warning about functions used by each app (e.g., Android). Understand what apps do before installing them and be wary of unsigned apps from unknown developers. If possible, use antivirus/spyware to detect any downloaded malware.

source: www.esecurityplanet.com


YouTube get more social with Facebook

YouTube as the first video sharing site released the top videos of 2009 and now it's offering tighter integration with Facebook. Hot on the heels of its look back at the most popular videos of the year, YouTube today showed its continued dominance as a video-sharing service by announcing tighter integration with Facebook.

YouTube, a Google subsidiary, said in a blog post it's experimenting with a new "feed" feature connecting YouTube and Facebook. The feed pushes the YouTube videos your friends are embedding on their Facebook back to your YouTube homepage.

YouTube is currently testing out this new video syndication feature and provides details on how users can try for themselves in the blog post. Users need to stay connected on Facebook for the syndication to work.

And Facebook users are embedding a lot of videos on their personal pages. It is the biggest site among social networks. YouTube said a staggering 46.2 year's worth of YouTube videos are viewed on Facebook everyday. The numbers for other social networking sites Orkut, MySpace and Hi5 trail off are lower but still significant at 12.7, 5.6 and 1.2 year's worth watched per day, respectively.

Greatest hits of 2009

Surprise singing sensation Susan Boyle easily topped the list of the most watched YouTube videos for the year with her appearance on "Britain's Got Talent." The video garnered over 120 million views for the year.

The rest of the top five were:
David After Dentist in at number two with 37+ million views; JK Wedding Entrance Dance at third with 33+ million views; the New Moon Movie Trailer fourth with 31+ million views and Evian Roller Babies coming in fifth at 27+ million views.

In compiling the list, Google said that in some instances it aggregated views across multiple versions of the same video.