About Search Engine

About Search EngineSearch Engine is a portal website that provides search information data needed internet visitors. To obtain the information required, the internet visitor went to the site and perform a search. Information may consist of web pages, images, information and other file types.

The search engine allows us to ask for media content with specific criteria (typically containing words or phrases that you specify) and obtain a list of files that meet these criteria. Search engines usually use the index (which was made before and updated on a regular basis) to find the file after the user enters search criteria or keywords.

Search Engine will try to be displaying the most relevant data with the desired visitors. Various possibilities of data to be displayed, and search engines have a lot of considerations set forth in the algorithm. This algorithm continues to grow due to technological developments in addition to many websites that try to make him appear on the website the first page of search results. To get in on the first page, we must create a website has good content but also has a website structure that favored serach engine. This is known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

In the context of the Internet, search engine usually refers to the WWW, and not the protocol or other areas. In addition, search engine data available in newsgroups, large databases, or open directories like DMOZ.org. Because data collection is done automatically, unlike search engine web directory of human work.

Most search engines run by private companies using proprietary algorithms and closed databases. The search engine is the most popular is Google (MSN Search and Yahoo! Left little behind). There have been several attempts to create search engines with open-source, for example is Htdig, Nutch, Egothor and OpenFTS.


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